Friday 31 August 2012

Bitter But True Facts of Life.

1. Man comes to the earth with empty hand, At the end with empty hand he has to leave this land.

2. In This Cruel World ,There are some people God never answers prayers for simply because they are just not that important to him anyway.

3. On This Cruel World , No matter what we do war will always exsist. Either on a global scale or just between two people it will always be there. It simply will never go away. That is just how life is meant to be.

4. An abortion is not as easy to forget as some women might like it to be. For some that fateful choice will always haunt their memories and their hearts with regret.

5. You can not always get who or what you want out of life. Sometimes someone else already has it and if you try to take it away from them they will take legal action or worse against you for it.

6. Sometimes to get ahead in your choosen career field you have to step on a few toes and break a few hearts including your own to really succeed.

7. Life is about these three things and three things only for most people. 1 Sex 2 Money 3 Power.

8. Virgins are not wanted nor are they appreciated by any man.

9. Make the mistake of calling someone a bad name even once and for the rest of your life you will be known as a racist / communal or worse.

10. There are no real friends in this world. There are only people, who use you to meet their wants / needs, then dump you, when you are no longer needed.


  1. I am lucky that i have few persons around me for whom life is just not about Sex Money and Power.....and yep when it comes to true friendhip i too wonder why true friendship is the rarest or rare commodity :(

  2. In This Cruel World ,There are some people God never answers prayers for simply because they are just not that important to him anyway.?
