Saturday 15 September 2012

Bitter Lesson From History - FDI in Retail.

It can be called orthodox & conservative thinking, but in my views we must take lessons from history. This is also true that who can be the better teacher than the history itself.

Those who are supporting Foreign Direct Investment, directly or indirectly are ignorant and unaware. Or may be many are knowingly acting as ignorant for the secret reasons better known to them only.

We are independent since 65 years. In the history of humanity, world and geopolitics time of 65 years is a very small period.  A very small event or action may create big history but it may take hundreds of years  to unfold. 

This story begins with a small event 400 years back when Ships belonging to the East India Company arriving in India docked at Surat, which was established as a trade transit point in 1608.  In 1612, a "Commercial Treaty" between Sir Thomas Roe of East India Company and than Mughal Emperor Nuruddin Saleem Jahangir was signed. East India Company got exclusive rights to reside and build factories in Surat and other areas of Mughal Empire.  In return, the East India Company offered to provide the Emperor with Goods and Rarities from the European Market. By year 1762 the East India Company succeeded in establishing its monopoly over Indian subcontinent by defeating other European Colonial Powers. 

Indian Rebellion of 1857 resulted in widespread devastation in India & condemnation of East India Company for permitting events to occur. British Government nationalized the East India Company. The Company lost all its administrative powers. Company's all possessions in India, including its armed forces, were taken over by the Crown as provisions of the Government of India Act 1858. The system of governance was instituted in 1858, rule of the British East India Company was transferred to Crown in person of Queen Victoria. 

So the actual British Raj was established over India in 1858. 

The story which started with a simple "Commercial Treaty" in 1612 ended in establishment of British Raj in 1858.... It took 246 Years. 

India got freedom from British Raj in 1947. So it took another 89 years to get rid of those Europeans who came in guise of Traders.

So a "Commercial Treaty" between Sir Thomas Roe of East India Company and Mughal Emperor Jahangir created history of 335 years of slavery for Indian Sub Continent.   This is the power of even a small event, action or decision which can create history. This is the time it can take as much as 335 years to unfold completely. 

It is just 65 years, that we are free & independent and Sri Manmohan Singh has committed the same mistake in 2012, committed by Mughal Emperor Jahangir in 1612. The decision to allow FDI in Retail in 2012 is very much similar to the decision taken by Mughal Emperor Jahangir in 1612,  in  the context of changed times and methods of business. History repeats after 400 years.

Can anyone forecast, predict, imagine or assume the situation & condition of Geopolitics of this world after 65 or 100 or 200 years from now ? I don't think so. 

Sri Manmohan Singh , by issuing Notification of FDI in Retail, on 20 September, 2012 made it sure that he goes down in history of India as the Second Jahangir.

I have no doubt, and rest assured, after 100-200 years, Sri Manmohan Singh will be remembered for what he did on 20, September, 2012, in the same way, as we remember Mughal Emperor Jahangir today for what he did in 1612.

Bhagwan Ram Bless India. India Ram Bharose. 

1 comment:

  1. I musy say at the beginning I believe in the concept of One World. Forget One India. So to me anyone can travel anywhere, work anywhere and setup biz anywhere. That is what ultimately I would like to see. Having said that let us look at FDI and if it really has the capability to own India.

    Firstly I am not sure over 5 billion dollars will come to India over the next 10 years. So much has come in various Industries and still India remains Independent means the 4 billion won't make a dent.

    Secondly Indian culture is different. We like it all near us. Walmart thrives in a condition where people do weekend shopping for even daily needs so these mega stores are outside the city limits. Even when they are inside they cannot compete with kirana stores since they are small in size with huge cist structures.

    Thirdly even Infrastructure needs to be geared up towards this. Just to give you an example. A weekend shopping means a huge amount of vegetables and meat needs to be stored in the refrigirator. That means we need big ones the size of 600 litres and above. So we need to develop a culture of buying huge. Then there is supporting infrastructure needed for this. Example power which a 600+ refrigirator would consume is huge.

    I have given 3 and I could give 30 more but this should be enough. BTW what if US tomorrow says all s/w to be made here and not outside? We are living in a different world with a globalized economy. We should learn to live and let live. My2c. Cheers.

    Prashanth B.N.
    Twitter handle: prashanthbn
